Pets Ahoy

I celebrated Spring break in San Antonio.We went to Sea World, and the River Walk.At Sea World we watched a show called Pets Ahoy.  The show started out with a cat chasing a mouse around the town.The mouse ended up running into a dog house, and the cat ran in also.The mouse ran out of the dog house, and the dog scared the cat out.The dog flipped a switch that put out a sign saying “NO CATS ALLOWED!”  After that was done, a trainer came out,with a dog named Biscuit.The trainer announced,”Biscuit is a great dog,he’s playful and full of energy.But he has some GF problems.”The trainer told him what to do.First he called her,then he went to a ATM to get money,last he use the money to get some flowers.Then he got on his jeep, and drove off stage.A few seconds later he drove back on stage with his GF.There were many other shows I say that day.I can’t what for my next celebration.

diary entry

Dear diary,

Today me and Ellen were getting home from school.I wanted to race her to the corner, for practice for the girl races.Ellen and me were running until we got stopped by german soldiers.
Me and Ellen were having cold feet,they asked us why we were running.I said I was racing my friend.We noticed that one of them was the tall one,we call him “the giraffe”.He ask me what was in my backpack,i said school books.He ask what was our names.He stroked my little sister’s hair.She did not like it.The tall one said that my little sister is pretty like his little girl.We got home and Ellen said “are you going to tell your mother”.i said that my mom would be upset.Until next time.Annamarie


When i downloaded,


i had no idea,

what it was,

after 15 mins,

of downloading,

i got into the game,

and i see,

expert made graphics,

smooth FPS,

and great color,

the futher i got,

into the game,

the more the,

story line,

builded up.

Image result for warframe

Compare and Contrast in person or technology

There are many similarities between communicating in person and using technology.
People are communicating both ways,You are able to stay in touch,and more than 1 can join the conversation.
Those are some ways that communicating in person and using technology are similar

Here are some ways that communicating in person and using technology are different.
Communicating in person take longer than communicating using technology,It is easier to understand sarcasm in person than using technology he/she my lie about saying lol,their maybe mad or something, and talking in technology is like talking to a brick wall.You do not get much of a response,but in person you are talking face-to-face.
Those are some way that communicating in person and using technology are different.


writing project

minecraft rp war showdown james b.

ch.1 war start These are four friends that are doing a minecraft war.
After six weeks of creative mode they finally finished,a minecraft war that will set the odds of the four players. the names are skybro,puncakthromo,skaterhater,lakemaker2. “Are you ready for this war,” skybro said. “Yes,” skaterhater said. As they were refilling their dispensers and tnt launchers,the fireworks go off.That means it’s time for war.Both teams flipped their levers,firecharges, and tnt every where.As holes were made into the castles,many defenses were destroyed.All of the dispensers were empty,no more tnt in the air.”Its time for ground wars ,”puncakthromo said.”Time to leave the castles,”lakemaker2 said. ch.2 wats a wither. As they make their dogs get up and grab their bows,swords,armor up,and get on their horses,they stop dead in their tracks.As the night gets darker the mobs come out.The flowers dance in the wind,and the thunder roars as loud as it can.As the second fire work goes off,BOOM.”attack.”said puncakthromo.The sound of swords hitting each other.Bow strings being pulled back,creepers exploding.As skybro’s partner dies.He ran to his castle.In the castle is a big secret,the neather portal.Skybro has planed this just in case of emergency.He goes to the neather why’le being chased.Lakemaker2 and skaterhater go into the neather and they noticed whats skybro had planed up ahead.”Skybro has made the wither!”lakemaker2 said.”HA this will be fun to watch .”skybro said,as a pigman gives him a potion of healing.”You won’t get away with this.”skaterhater shouted.As they got withered and drank their milk to make the wither effect go away,the wither buildes it’s arrow proof sheild. ch.3 end the war.Skaterhater’s partner dies from the wither effect.Skybro runs to the end portal. He goes in it saying his last words.”this will be our last fight,”skybro said,as he drinks the potion of healing.Skaterhater catches up.But what skaterhater did not know that there was a enderdragon!They were fighting as Endermen attacked them.The enderdragon throws them into the air.They got out their bows,but they had no arrows.Falling to their death they say their last words.”So who dies last wins.”skybro said.I doubt that.”skaterhater said.They both hit the ground at the same time.In the background they can hear heavy from tf2 saying, DEAD NOT BIG SURPRISE.They learned a lesson,don’t go to the end to have a finale battle

Robert Livingston

Livingston was elected to the continental congress in 1775

He helped formulate a court of appeals

He was active on committees

on financial affairs

Robert Livingston

He was nominated

In 1781 Livingston was appointed

A position he held for three years

The revolutionary war was over,but negotiating the peace

memory’s and plans

In  2014  July  15th  my mom took  me  to  the  Kilgore  swimming pool for about  three  hours. When  we  paid, we went  out  to  the  swimming pool  and jumped  in, the water  was  cool. About  one  hour later  I remembered  about the swimming test, so I can go on the water slide and the diving board. I went up to the lady and I asked her if I can do the swimming test, she said yes , I jumped in the water and started swimming. When I got to the end the man at the end gave me a wrist band. That was my favrite memory

I want to acheve this year in 2015 is to controle my anger issue, I have been geting mad over nothing and I can’t stop. I take pills that make me focase on my work. that’s what I want to acheve this year.